Wednesday, 30 March 2016


At the beginning of 2016 I made a promise to myself that as a family we will be more frugal, self sufficient, green & as cruelty free as possible. So far we are making small changes, small changes that are making HUGE differences. 
 We, wherever possible, avoid buying our fruit & veg from supermarkets therefore supporting local fruit & veg shops. Our laundry & household cleaning products are sourced from cruelty free brands....including our toiletries & baby essentials. We are making a start & boy do we feel good about it.
 Today we sourced some planters & have began our journey of growing our own vegetables. We grow peas & strawberries every year & I love watching my children go out into the garden & eat the fresh produce straight from the plant. We have chosen to give carrot growing a whirl, along with a variety of herbs & some broad beans. Our next project is to try growing rhubarb again as last years ours sadly failed to flourish. 
As the weather is gradually warming our excitement to get out in the open on our bikes & explore is mounting. 
I feel, this year, is potentially going to be full of adventure as we embrace our new way of life ☮🕉

Saturday, 26 March 2016


I am guilty of neglecting my blog of late but motherhood has been demanding every ounce of my time (& energy) recently, not that I'm complaining as I love every second of it!
 My mind has been wandering lately, primarily based around being a mother & whether I am doing this immensely important 'job' properly.....whether my Cubs are happy? Are they eating enough? Do I spend enough time with them?  Are we making enough memories? As parents I think we are all guilty of being plagued with these sudden random worries. Children, unfortunately, do not come with instructions and we sort of 'wing it' in the beginning (especially with first borns although I found myself in the same position with my third) until we start getting the hang of it. Becoming a parent is literally an avalanche of emotions; utter happiness, complete fear & realisation that this small bundle is your responsibility for the rest of your life. That fear never really disappears, we always worry whether we are doing this parenting malarkey 'right' & it's perfectly natural. They're our Cubs, our worlds, we strive to ensure they are happy and have full tummies. But what we must not forget is love. Cuddles, praise, kisses, silly moments etc. I believe the greatest foundation of ensuring we are doing this parenting 'job' right is to ensure that the time spent with our children is filled with laughter & love. 
Life is short. Incredibly short, we cannot predict what lies ahead & our children will soon grow up....