At the beginning of 2016 I made a promise to myself that as a family we will be more frugal, self sufficient, green & as cruelty free as possible. So far we are making small changes, small changes that are making HUGE differences.
We, wherever possible, avoid buying our fruit & veg from supermarkets therefore supporting local fruit & veg shops. Our laundry & household cleaning products are sourced from cruelty free brands....including our toiletries & baby essentials. We are making a start & boy do we feel good about it.
Today we sourced some planters & have began our journey of growing our own vegetables. We grow peas & strawberries every year & I love watching my children go out into the garden & eat the fresh produce straight from the plant. We have chosen to give carrot growing a whirl, along with a variety of herbs & some broad beans. Our next project is to try growing rhubarb again as last years ours sadly failed to flourish.
As the weather is gradually warming our excitement to get out in the open on our bikes & explore is mounting.
I feel, this year, is potentially going to be full of adventure as we embrace our new way of life ☮🕉