Saturday, 19 December 2015

Three words...

Tonight my son said a sentence consisting of three words that initiated a partial conversation....and I cried...tears of utter pride. My son is 3 and due to start Primary School next September yet, I am still awaiting the chance to have a conversation with him.... where both of us are fully engaged in one another, where I am able to understand him without having to decipher fragmented words in a very difficult puzzle. Not only am I waiting to have a precious conversation with my beautiful boy, but 'normal' family meals are still know the kind where potentially once a week you all sit down to the same meal, enjoy one another's company, enjoy the meal, you know the small things many families take for granted? For our meal times are a mishmash of kissing, smelling, occasional pleading, touching chicken nuggets/waffles/fish fingers in an attempt to over come sensory anxiety with our boy.....everything has to be beige or of a pale colour, anything that may have a hint of vibrancy is not going near this little guys mouth (which makes hiding various vegetables in mash potato a challenge!) and Christ do not put anything of an odd texture in front of him either (scrambled eggs was not appreciated!). So he lives on weetabix, bread, soya milk, chicken nuggets (or fish fingers) and waffles...his 'safe foods'. If you hadn't already guessed there is a question of possible ASD.
 As I write this I'm smiling, for although I have times where I can get completely overwhelmed by these intense behavioural is what makes my son, my son. He is loving, adventurous and brave. People fall in love with him and his personality. Although we may not communicate properly orally we do so in our own special way. 
 The aim of this post is to make us realise that everyone is different, everyone is unique and everyone develops at their own pace. We must appreciate the little things, the small achievements and cherish the now...never take things for granted, for the meaningless things to one person may mean the world to another, like hearing your son say "see Snow White". 


Thursday, 3 December 2015

Pray for Syria...Pray for the World

Today I was subtly branded as 'immature' for daring to oppose our governments decision to initiate air strikes over Syria. My children were also brought into the equation and whether I discipline them when they are badly behaved. Firstly I do indeed discipline my a diplomatic and fair way without the need of severely chastising them. I find the use of corporal punishment completely ineffective and portrays a message that violence is the answer to 'bad' behaviour. Thankfully my choice in counteracting questionable behaviour in regards to my children has led them to be incredibly well behaved, well mannered children who embrace equality, are caring, understanding and fair with their peers and new acquaintances. They make me incredibly proud.
 It had been uttered that those who are opposed to military involvement in the elimination of extremists are 'terrorist sympathisers' believe me this not the case. What these purely evil individuals have inflicted on so many innocent civilians is barbaric, frightening and has left so many nations angered and hurt by loss. But are air strikes the answer? Do two wrongs make a right? I have said it before eradicating one extremist group leaves a niche in the dark and evil market for another to take the reigns and inflict more terror. This extreme behaviour our government has voted in favour for in the form of bombing Syria makes us no better than the extremists themselves. We are lowering ourselves to their level. We will create the same fear, panic and mourning upon innocent civilians that was inflicted upon the nations targeted by Isis. More people will seek refuge with nowhere to go.
 I do not have an answer or solution on how to combat such a sickening group nor do I know how to create an effective and peaceful balance between the human races but surely multiple murders on innocent civilians who will be perceived as expendable in this great race to defeat Isis is not the answer? What are we teaching one another? That every major threat and global problem can be resolved by dropping a bomb and wiping them out? 
 So no I am not immature, I am human being with a voice, a view and an opinion which I am more than entitled to have. 
Innocent civilians of Syria live in enough fear...they are not to blame for the abhorrent, vile attacks on us. Pray for the innocent men, women and children of Syria.
Assad’s forces destroyed buildings in the north-western city of Idlib in air strikes earlier this week Getty Images

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Freedom is just a loan....

Every morning since 13/11/15 I have found myself checking the news to see if there has been anymore abhorrent attacks on innocent civilians. Every morning I have sat quietly and felt sadness fill my heart.....I do not want to live amongst violence and fear, I don't want to worry each day whether there has been multiple, unwarranted deaths whilst I have slept. 
 Politics is not something I have studied, or in fact, paid much interest in over the course of the years....I will admit that. But of late I have overwhelming strong opinions that I truly believe in. Human life is precious. I will never understand why a human being would want to take the life of another, why us humans want to hurt and destroy one another in the most barbaric, sadistic and vile ways possible. I will never understand why the governments answer to global threat/ problems is to bomb regardless of the innocent people that may 'get in the way'. 
 If we were to succeed & eradicate Isis (and other extremists) it will only be a matter of time before another extremist group takes to the reigns and pick up where their predecessors left off.
 It saddens me that there doesn't seem to be a positive answer to tackling global problems....that currently the course of action in creating a world that lives in "harmony" is to kill those who threaten it. 
I can only hope that one day it stops. I live in hope that one day we all learn to coexist as equals.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

The City of Love....

The events of 13/11/15 has shaken the coverage of the abhorrent murder of innocent lives, families and friends torn apart....the 'City of Love' left destroyed emotionally and physically. 
 As I viewed, listened and read the events unfolding my heart ached and still does.....what does this achieve? What does ending an innocent human beings life prove? That we humans are the greatest threat to humanity?! When I think of Paris I think of beauty, art, romance, there is something magical about this city that intrigues me and to see it in such a devastating situation is a sickening reminder that we live in a world that isn't nice, that isn't romantic and magical. The world, in itself as a planet, is a magical creates life, is a home for so many species, the ecological and also the historical side is fascinating, captivating and we are forever finding new and exciting discoveries which piece together the vast jigsaw of Earth. Some inhabitants of this beautiful planet, however, don't seem to appreciate how lucky we are....we fight, we destroy, we murder, we develop weapons that could obliterate one another, we create animosity, fear and hate. Poverty, death, terrorism etc plague our every day lives, we declare war and invade countries....and there doesn't seem to be an end. 
 It physically frightens me to think where and what the world will be like for my children and their future children when I am no longer around to protect them. I want to forever surround them with love & keep them safe but I know one day they will have to venture into the world on their own & the current state humanity is in it causes my stomach to churn.
 My heart truly goes out to Paris & all those affected by the horrific attacks. I can only pray that one day we learn to coincide peacefully & understand we are all equal. I pray for you Paris during this sad time.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

The Ugly Truth....Body Image

Ugly. Probably something all of us have felt, at some point in our lives. Sometimes it's a fleeting feeling that we dismiss as quickly as it arrived & continue on with our day to day lives without a second thought, but for others, it can be a crippling, horrific demon that suffocates our happiness & draws the light out of our lives. For's a belief. For some the most natural action in the world contributes to their belief of ugliness......the consumption of food.
In the UK, it has been found, that sometimes children as young as six suffer with some form of eating disorder....that is frightening, considering I have a daughter of that age. What frightens me more is that, on more than one occasion, she has asked me if her tummy is "too big". Six years old & already (albeit slightly) plagued by a worry that most of the older members of society possess. It led me to wonder...what on earth has caused a child to have that thought? Why is she concerned about her body image already?! It even led me to look at myself...I have been on so many different diets that I have lost count, have I created a norm for my children? That food is an issue?...I don't want them to develop concerns & avoidance of foods for fear of being fat, especially when their small bodies require essential vitamins, healthy fats & minerals for their growth. I educate them on healthy eating, sweets are available yet limited and I ensure they have wholesome home cooked food. Which leads me to believe that the availability of social media, their celebrity idols & the general perception of 'perfection' by society is a major factor in why more & more children are susceptible to issues with their body image. 
 On the opposite end of the scale is the growing issue of obesity in this issue which gains so much coverage in the media. Yes obesity is a concern but so is eating disorders in such young children! 
 The ugly truth is that society bombards us & our children with unrealistic perceptions of what is deemed a perfect body...recently a size 6 model was dropped by her agency as she was deemed "too big"...too big!!! I must be morbidly obese at a size 10/12 if a 6 is perceived as too big! What sort of a message does that portray to not just young impressionable girls but boys also? The media depicts overweight individuals in a negative light but rarely addresses the issue of young children who are dieting through fear of being 'obese' & to obtain the image of a skinny stick insect that is plastered across our tv screens, magazines & if I'm honest I don't exactly see much meat on  the childhood favourite doll, Barbie  (she could do with a good meal or five)..children should be children for as long as possible & not be exposed to the dark worries & the cruel world beyond their childhood.
 In terms of my daughter I will forever endeavour myself to ensure she knows how perfect & uniquely beautiful she is just as she is, to continue to educate her on the benefits of healthy eating & exercise & more importantly to enjoy being a child.

The following image is by Meg Gaiger/Harpyimages